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Shanghai Lubao Investment Management Co., Ltd. (Lubao or Lubao Investment) was established in September 2013 and registered with the Asset Management Association of China (AMAC) in June 2014. It is among the first batch of private equities in China to obtain qualifications for fund managing institutions.

Lubao spent seven years developing a full-fledged and systematic value investment system and builds investment portfolios by carefully selecting the best from the best. By running the self-developed quantitative models to select stocks from more than 5,000 listed companies in the market, Lubao narrows the choices down to 300 companies for further research. Then the in-house research team selects about 80 high-quality growth companies as Lubao’s core stock pool based on in-depth analysis in the proprietary investment research system. In a top-down analysis framework, investment managers finally identify 15 to 30 companies with high cost performance to build investment portfolios.

Following the investment philosophy of compound interest, Lubao pursues the snowball investment strategy that leans less on the market style, bull market, or information advantages. Combining knowledge with action, Lubao is committed to its original aspiration of “wholehearted devotion to increasing the value of clients’ assets”.

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  • 0 Million

    Contributed Capital

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  • Average of 0 years+

    Professional Experience of Founders

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  • 0-0 Billion

    Scale of management


Liu Hong

Investment Features: Cost-effective Portfolio Investment

Ms. Liu Hong is the incumbent President, Investment Director, and Fund Manager of Lubao. She has been in the industry for 28 years and used to be Analyst, Product Director, Investment Manager of the Asset Management Headquarters at Guotai Juan Securities, and Deputy General Manager of Asset Management Department at Guotai Junan Futures.

Wang Cheng

Investment Features: Focus on Small & Mid-Cap Growth Stocks

With 22 years of experience in the industry, Mr. Wang Cheng now serves as Chairman, Research Director, and Fund Manager of Lubao. He used to be deputy director of Zhongguancun Securities Research Institute,  Chief Strategic Analyst, Chief Analyst of Small and Mid-Cap at Guotai Junan Securities Research Institute, and Chief Investment Officer at Guotai Junan Futures.